This document describes how to modify the configuration files to show data from different datasources than the default. This is only necessary if the default dataset mapping does not provide the required functionality. Instructions for configuring the default mapping are provided in the supremm_resources.json documentation.

If a custom dataset mapping file is used then it must be maintained and may need to be modified when the XDMoD software is upgraded.

This document only describes instructions for PCP and Prometheus-based datasources. However, the same techniques describe here can be used to generate data mappings for other datasources such as tacc_stats that is used in the ACCESS version of XDMoD.


The overall architecture is described in Architecture section. This section goes into more detail about the ingestion data flow.

A schematic of the data flow is shown in Figure 1 below. The job summarization software writes job information to a MongoDB instance. There are two documents per job: a document containing the summary statistics for a job such as the CPU usage and accounting information and a document that contains the timeseries data for a subset of job metrics. The timeseries document is used as the data source for the timeseries plots in the XDMoD job viewer. The summary statistics document is read at ingest time by the etl.cluster.js script (which is executed in the script) to load data into the XDMoD MySQL-based datawarehouse. The etl.cluster.js loads a dataset mapping module that defines how data are copied from the summary statistics document to the datawarehouse. The default dataset mapping module file is supremm.js. The previous default mapping pcp.js has been deprecated, however resources already configured with the ‘pcp’ dataset mapping will still function normally.

XDMoD supports using a different dataset mapping file for each HPC resource. The dataset mapping file to use for a given resource is configured in the datasetmap parameter in the supremm_resources.json file. The dataset mapping is a written in javascript and supports arbitrary javascript functions to transform the job data.

Dataflow diagram of ingest of job data from MongoDB to the XDMoD datawarehouse

Figure 1. Flow of information from job summary documents in MongoDB to the XDMoD datawarehouse.


The following example shows how to modify the dataset mapping file to support reading job data from the job summary document that is different from the default.

In this example we describe how to extend the dataset mapping to map data from the lustre llite statistics to the Filesystem I/O statistics in XDMoD. The default mapping file reads nfs filesystem metrics based on the configuration settings in the supremm_resources.json file. This example shows how to override this so the metrics are instead gathered from the lustre metrics.

The steps to configure the software are as follows:

  1. Create a new dataset map.
  2. Configure XDMoD to use the new dataset map.
  3. Test the new dataset map.
  4. Re-ingest the job data into XDMoD.

1. Create a new dataset mapping

A new dataset mapping file should be created in /usr/share/xdmod/etl/js/config/supremm/dataset_maps. In this example, the new mapping file will be called custom.js. The file name should follow the Node.js module naming convention. The source of the new mapping file is shown below:

// load the default mapping module
var supremm = require('./supremm.js');

// load the library that contains helper functions
var map_helpers = require('../map_helpers.js');

module.exports = function (config) {

    // create a new copy of the default map
    var supremm_map = new supremm(config);

    // override the mapping attributes for netdir home and util:

    //           The second argument should be set to the name of the
    //           filesystem as it appears in the job level summary    ----┐
    //                                                                    ▾
    supremm_map.attributes.netdir_home_read = map_helpers.device('lustre', '/home', 'read_bytes-total');
    supremm_map.attributes.netdir_home_write = map_helpers.device('lustre', '/home', 'write_bytes-total');

    supremm_map.attributes.netdir_util_read = map_helpers.device('lustre', '/util', 'read_bytes-total');
    supremm_map.attributes.netdir_util_write = map_helpers.device('lustre', '/util', 'write_bytes-total');

    // can add more overrides here....

    return supremm_map;

This loads the default mapping and selectively overrides fields.

2. Configure XDMoD to use the new map.

The supremm_resources.json file defines the dataset map to use for each resource. For the purpose of this example, we assume that the resource name is wopr. The configuration setting would then look similar to:

    "resources": [
            "resource": "wopr",
            "resource_id": 1,
            "enabled": true,
            "datasetmap": "custom",
            "hardware": {
                "gpfs": "gpfs0",
                "network": [

3. Testing the new mapping

XDMoD does not require tests exist for a dataset mapping, however it is highly recommended to create at least one test case since it significantly helps with debugging problems in the mapping. If you do not wish to create test cases then this step can be skipped.

The XDMoD software has a test mode that can be used to verify the dataset mapping. The test mode requires one or more input files each of which must contain a job summary document in json format. Each input file must have a corresponding output json file that contains the expected results. The test harness has a mechanism to generate the output file. The generated output file must be manually verified for the test to be meaningful.

Steps to run the tests:

1) Generate a json input file by exporting a job record from the MongoDB database in json format. The mongoexport command can be used to export documents in json format. Note that newer versions of mongoexport output the data in an ‘extended’ json format. The test input files should be in the mongodb relaxed json format (see the MongoDB json documentation for full details. Briefly, if the output file contains data similar to:

    "acct": {
        "local_job_id" : NumberLong(4014453)


    "acct": {
        "local_job_id" : {
            "$numberLong": "4014453"

these should be edited to use a plain json number field

    "acct": {
        "local_job_id" : 4014453

2) Copy the input file to the /usr/share/xdmod/etl/js/config/supremm/tests/[RESOURCE]/input directory where [RESOURCE] is the name of the resource with the new mapping file as it appears in supremm_resources.json. The name of the file should match the document identifier from MongoDB (i.e. the _id field).

For example, if the input file was for job id 8291026 (mongo _id = 8291026-1518721536) on the wopr resource then the file would be called /usr/share/xdmod/etl/js/config/supremm/tests/wopr/input/8291026-1518721536.json

3) Create the expected output file. The easiest way to create the output file is to create an empty json document in the output directory: /usr/share/xdmod/etl/js/config/supremm/tests/[RESOURCE]/expected. For example the output file corresponding to the example input file above would be /usr/share/xdmod/etl/js/config/supremm/tests/wopr/expected/8291026-1518721536.json with contents:


Then edit the file /usr/share/xdmod/etl/js/lib/etl_profile.js and change the line:

    var regenerateOnFail = false;


    var regenerateOnFail = true;

Then run the following:

$ cd /usr/share/xdmod/etl/js
$ node etl.cli.js -t -d

This will generate a large number of error log messages since the expected results file is empty. But since the regenerateOnFail variable is set to true it will overwrite the expected result file with the new data. Manually check the file to confirm that the data are correct. In this example, there should be values in the file for the various netdir metrics added in the new custom mapping:

    "netdir_home_read": {
        "value": 1235,
        "error": 0
    "netdir_home_write": {
        "value": 1235,
        "error": 0
    "netdir_util_read": {
        "value": 136192137,
        "error": 0
    "netdir_util_write": {
        "value": 0,
        "error": 0

The /usr/share/xdmod/etl/js/lib/etl_profile.js should be edited again to revert the change to the regenerateOnFail variable.

4) Finally re-run the test harness again and confirm that the tests pass:

$ cd /usr/share/xdmod/etl/js
$ node etl.cli.js -t -d
2020-03-10T18:12:42.401Z - info: Regression Testing...
2020-03-10T18:12:42.513Z - info: Regression test of "8291026-1518721536.json" passed

4. Re-ingest data into XDMoD

Reset the job ingest status for all jobs:

$ /usr/lib64/xdmod/xdmod-supremm-admin --action reset --resource [RESOURCE] -d

Run the ingest and aggregation script:
