The Job Summarization software should be installed on a server that has access to the MySQL server for the XDMoD Datawarehouse, either the PCP archives on disk OR the Prometheus server, and the MongoDB instance.


The Job Performance (SUPReMM) XDMoD module must be installed and configured before configuring the Job Summarization software. See the XDMoD module install guide for instructions on this.

A MongoDB database instance must be installed and running. See the MongoDB install guide for instructions.

RPM Installation

** Centos 7 **

The RPM package has dependencies that are available in the EPEL repository. This repository can be added with this command:

# yum install epel-release

It also requires the PCP python libraries, which are included in CentOS (since version 7.6).

An RPM package for Centos 7 is available for download

# yum install supremm-1.4.1-1.el7.x86_64.rpm

Rocky 8

The RPM package has dependencies that are available in the EPEL repository. This repository can be added with this command:

# dnf install epel-release

It also requires the PCP python libraries, which are included in Rocky 8.

An RPM package for Rocky 8 is available for download.

# dnf install supremm-2.0.0-1.el8.x86_64.rpm

Source Installation

The Job summarization software is written in python and uses python setuptools for package creation. The 1.4 release depends on python 2.7 and the 2.0 release uses python 3.6. Source code installs are tested in a conda environment and setup as follows.

$ conda create -n supremm python=[PYTHON VERSION] cython numpy scipy
$ source activate supremm

where [PYTHON VERSION] should be set to 2.7 if using the 1.4 release or 3.6 if using the 2.0 release.

The software is installed as follows:

$ tar xf supremm-2.0.0.tar.gz
$ cd supremm-2.0.0
$ python install

Configure Job summarization software

After installing the Job summarization software it must be configured following the instructions in the configuration guide.